Girls State Registration Update

Monday March 4, 2020

As we have continued the process of registering students for this year’s online session of ALA Texas Girls State, we have encountered questions/concerns from Units related to obtaining signature’s from school officials.  We have also received requests to register additional delegates since there will be no cost for the session. 

In response to the concerns/requests, the ALA Department of Texas Girls State Committee has voted to adopt the following changes to the ALA Texas Girls State registration rules for this year only:

  1. The Application Card does not have to be signed by a school official if the Unit can provide some other means of verifying the school’s approval of the student.  For example, an email from a school official that either explicitly approves the student or indicates that the school selected the student would suffice.
  2. While registrations are still limited to 6 students per school, a Unit or school may request applications for students for whom a spot has not previously been reserved or who are currently designated as alternates.  Such requests for applications shall be made by email sent to the Girls State Registrar at  The registrar will approve such requests for additional applications if spots are available.
  3. If possible, all communications regarding ALA Texas Girls State registration should be via email at

Please pass this information along to all who would be interested or need more information.


Lori Swann
